Peter will be remembered by everyone who met him for his boundless curiosity, extraordinary intellect, generous spirit, and earnestness. All one had to do was ask, and Peter would be there to take a trip, research a problem, do a science project, knock doors for a progressive candidate, or give life advice to one of the many young people he mentored. We will periodically update this page with stories that Pete's friends and family remember about him.
A Tribute to Pete
From Michael Solow, Alex's father-in-law
The day I learned that Pete had died, I wrote the following in my journal: My wonderful son-in-law’s one-of-a-kind, broke the mold, irascible, passionate, voluble, kind, committed, loving and oddly lovable dad has died. Suddenly, shockingly. Peter Van Schaick. Petey Van, as we all called him.
He was an avid health and fitness enthusiast, and apparently had been working out when this happened. He had survived heart surgery several years ago, which bought him more time to be with us, be in the world. More time with his son and daughter in law. More time to fight his many good fights. To grapple with his many good thoughts...